Information about NHS Dental charges

If you normally pay for NHS dental treatment, there are three standard charges.

The amount you pay depends on what treatment you need. You will only pay one band charge for each treatment course.

Band 1: £26.80 - includes an examination, diagnosis and advice. If necessary, it also includes X-rays, a scale and polish and planning for further treatment.*

Band 2: £73.50 - includes all treatment covered by Band 1, plus additional treatment, such as fillings, root canal treatment and removing teeth (extractions).*

Band 3: £319.10 - includes all treatment covered by Bands 1 and 2, plus more complex procedures, such as crowns, dentures and bridges.*

*All treatments listed above are provided when clinically indicated. Treatments may also be offered privately. Where there is no clinical need, the treatment may be offered on a private basis only. (for example - cosmetic stain removal)

For more information on NHS Dental fees or to book an appointment call us on 020 8397 3344.

What if I need more treatment?

If, within two months of completing a course of treatment, you need more treatment from the same charge band or a lower one, for example another filling, you don't have to pay anything extra.

However, after two months, you will have to pay an additional band charge. (or if you fail to return to continue a treatment course for more than 2 months - we may have to prematurely close that treatment course).

Emergency treatment

If your initial treatment is classed as emergency treatment, it may not be included in any later course of treatment that you need. For emergency dental treatment (including out-of-hours treatment), you will have to pay a separate charge of £26.80.

When you don’t have to pay

You don’t have to pay a dental charge:

  • for denture repairs
  • to have stitches removed
  • if your dentist has to stop blood loss
  • if your dentist only has to write out a prescription

However, if you pay for prescriptions, you’ll have to pay the usual prescription charge when you collect your medicines.

Personal dental treatment plan

Your dentist should give you a personal treatment plan before you have Band 2 or 3 treatment or if you are having any private work. The plan gives details of the treatment and the amount you’ll have to pay. You’ll be asked to read and sign the plan.

If you’ve discussed having private treatment with your dentist, the details and costs of this treatment will be listed separately on your treatment plan.

Before having dental treatment, talk to your dentist about the benefits of treatment and any risks involved.

Your plan will also indicate your recall period for your next check-up. (This is a variable interval based on NICE guidelines).

Paying for treatment

We are entitled to ask for your payment at any stage of your treatment. It is the practice policy to collect charges prior to booking for completion of work. We would encourage full payment when agreeing a treatment plan, though will accept a deposit for band 3 charges/ private work.

Referral to another dentist

If you're referred to another dentist to complete the treatment, you will still only pay one band charge. You will pay the full amount to the dentist who refers you.

If you’re referred to a private dentist (and you accept this option) you will pay the appropriate NHS band/ private charge to the dentist who referred you, and pay a fee for the dental work carried out by the private dentist you are referred to.

For more information on NHS Dental fees, to register as a patient or to book an appointment call us on 020 8397 3344.